As we enter a new phase of lockdown where restrictions are easing slightly, and we are all adjusting to finding a new normal, our team has reflected on how we have continued to work with our clients through the last few months. One of the constants to come out of the pandemic is the amount of questions we have been asked about home improvement projects!
It seems that while we have been forced to live within our homes and learn to share our living space with family or housemates on a 24/7 basis, it’s given people the opportunity to evaluate how that space is functioning and how they use it. Trying to sell and buy property during this time is obviously very challenging, so this has led many people to think – what could be done to make the most of the space I have?
I know we need more space, but I don’t know where to start?
The question to ask yourself before you even think about the different types of extension is ‘What am I trying to achieve?’
This will be very personal to you.
You may have a growing family and need extra space upstairs, such as an extra bathroom or converting the attic space into a bedroom. You may have grown up children, who normally visit regularly with their families, so you need to keep bedrooms but actually don’t need a big garden anymore. You could extend out to have a larger family kitchen and living space.

Perhaps the makeshift office on your dining room table is not working and you need a space you can work in (and close the door on!)

Maybe, you just need to re-zone your rooms, which could simply require a wall to be taken down.

Whether the home improvement you have in mind is big or small, we understand that it’s a big decision, and you want to get it right. At KTA, we are architectural designers, not salespeople, so our main aim is to improve the practical and aesthetic use of space, leading to a much happier home and family!
My house has great bones, but it needs opening up. What permissions do I need?
Planning feasibility and applications seem to worry people the most and can put people off an extension or renovation before they even begin! It’s important to realise that they are there for a reason, and while the paperwork can be off putting, having architectural designers (like us!) doing this for you can really take the pressure off. We know who to speak to, what needs doing, and can submit outline or full applications depending on what is required.
So, while you are still spending a lot of time at home, give Kevin Todd a call to chat through your ideas on 07973 227925 or email:
We do adhere to a strict Covid-19 policy, however that doesn’t mean your plans have to go on hold. You can read our policy here . Our priority is the health and safety for our clients and our team in each job we undertake.
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